(6 村人)motosonscience pollyanna“Vacanti, who was listed on the thesis as a member of the examination committee that approved it, told Nature News: “I was not presented with or asked to read a copy of her dissertation.”” yamifuu wacking lastlineコレスポなのに、通す前に説明されてないってのは変だし、取り下げに反対してるのと矛盾しないか yu-kuboscience“Vacanti … told Nature News: “I was not presented with or asked to read a copy of her dissertation.”” ヴァカンティ教授は小保方氏の博士論文を提示されていないし読んでいないとNature Newsに語った。(一部訂正)
feita 勇者よくぞ増田で白状した!!褒美に☆をやろう!!!