(10 村人)mongrelP motoson日本 flagburnerInternational Science Desastres"The most important impacts of the leaks will be those on the sea off Fukushima and the larger Pacific Ocean, which must be closely monitored. After assessments by US and Japanese scientists in 2011 and 2012, two major questions remain unanswered. " facebooooknature white_rose原発 国際 English kyo_ju border-dweller原発 zakinco kaeru-no-tsura complex_catNuclear crisissub title: 'Japan should bring in international help to study and mitigate the Fukushima crisis.'
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tyage 20514名に5000円か・・・
torin 揉め事 ゲーム セキュリティ 2万人て/CMバンバン流した大型アップデートのタイミングでこれというのがセガのセガたる由縁
RPM netgame trouble